Preeti Kumari

देखा एक ख्वाब तो ये सिलसिले हुए

Khawab Nama | Here’s to finally recording all of the roller coaster journey called Life. The dreams fulfilled, the ones working for. Here’s to everything beautiful and joyous, to mirth and melancholy, light and dark, the myriad colours. To everything I have probably always wanted to speak to somebody who understands, express to those who can make sense of it. I am not sure if this will make for an intersting read, but this is certainly going to be amazing for me!


DSC02028I am certainly not sure where and how I must start on this. Starting a blog was one of the many things always on my mind. I started one last summer, forgot the password and yes was a bit lazy getting into the whole recovery process so here’s a fresh start to it. I feel 2014 like all the past few years of my life has been revolutionary, radical and certainly beautiful in every sense of the word. For the last 18 and a half years I have wanted to live a life worth sharing, one that has a message, with experiences that are enriching. The last time I started the blog I remember how I had to imagine circumstances to cull out meaningful stuff to write! But now that I finally am living something of that life I always wanted to I know I can write the stuff I always wanted to and relish the same. So the coming few posts might just be about everything amusing that happened with me in the last year! Okay no, we haven’t wrapped up with 2014 yet! Everything amusing in 2014!

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